Mia Khalifa Discount

Mia Khalifa discount saves 67% for a total of $20.00 off!

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$9.99 /month
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Deal last verified: Feb 18, 2025

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  • hot pornstar Mia Khalifa
  • live cam shows
  • high quality videos
  • Streaming Only

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Editor's Note

Mia Khalifa is no longer updating due to death threats from ISIS, but the site will remain online. You won't find another Arab porn star with her delicious tits and her fabulous ass. 

Mia Khalifa Review

Mia Khalifa Discount is a memorabilia of the lost star of the porn world. This Lebanon porn actress is alive and well to this day, and we hope she stays safe. So, what has us so gloomy in this review? It's a simple matter that she has been chased away from producing more Arab porn by religious extremists. Mia Khalifa has been sent numerous death threats during her short but explosive career. Born in a Muslim country as a Muslim girl, her choice of a career was bound to attract negativity from her fellows. But Mia could have never predicted how much of an impact her debut would have on the world, and the disapproval she expected has blown up into a chaotic torrent. This site, named after the legend herself, is a collection of all of her best videos in Full HD, which she made during her activity from 2014-2015, and is the best one to watch them.

Dame Mia Khalifa

The model index on this site will show you a ludicrous amount of porn actresses, but they are all faces from the extra channels you can opt in for. While Mia Khalifa has made threesome videos with other women, it'll be hard to find them in the massive roster. Hence, we shall focus on the dame herself. The most impactful video Mia has ever made was the threesome porn video where she and another lady are wearing hijab. This film has been cemented as a mythical occurrence, as it was no doubt the first Arabian woman in a hija porn video for most of the world. The deep taste of exotic spices is not the only thing that propelled her to fame, as Mia has beautiful deep brown chocolate skin and shiny dark brown hair. Her chest is bountiful, and she frequently uses it to rub manhood with a mesmerizing expression on her Arab face.

The draw of the hijab

To truly appreciate the exotic and taboo nature of Mia's work, we need to explain the finer points of her faith of origin. Islam is known for modesty, and this conservatism applies the most to women. There are several steps in how extreme it can get, with hijab (a simple head scarf that covers the hair, often paired with a cap underneath) being on the less conservative end. Even so, the Quran dictates that loose and long fabrics shall obscure the female form. It also prevents women from having premarital sex. Combine all of these together, and you get some of the arrest religious, taboo, exotic, and forbidden porn that ever was. Think about the implications of a hijabi girl taking off her veil and showing her scared body. By truly understanding the exceptionalness of Mia's bravery and determination, you will get a feeling of how arousing it is. It helps that there is no shortage of men with hijabi girl fantasies.

The videos Mia made

Taboo, mystical, rare, unreachable fantasy. Mia Khalifa's video broke the world of porn for the year of her activity. When everyone thought porn had been done to death, she walked in and proved there was a large hole in the shape of Arab and hijabi girls. The simple truth of porn is that the harder it is to acquire, the more precious it is. Years and decades of unfulfilled fantasies finally had an outlet, and Mia received the Western world's blessings. Before she was forced to retire, she made her signature videos that floated everywhere. The thirteen best, and we think only ones, can be found on the Mia Khalifa website in the highest resolution. Downloads cost extra, so the site is streaming only and is a great blast from the past. The big studios still struggle to replicate her magic, so Mia's work continues to be the best even a decade later.

The nature of the discount

Mia Khalifa the site will never have a new update. This is a legacy site designed to host her precious videos. They can no doubt be found in other places, but their quality will not match this website. There are only 13 videos in this collection, and considering that downloads are paid and the additional sites are in a separate subscription plan, their value depends on you. We are not sure if Mia's videos on this website still belong to her, nor if the subscriptions and payment for downloads go to her bank account. But if you want a surefire way to enjoy her stuff, this is the place. The monthly plan is now 67% off, going from $29.99 to only $9.99, saving you $20.00in the process. The month plan is the same, with the price being $9.99 per month. This site is probably the best to watch the porn legend. Mia Khalifa Discount is waiting for you like a dream from the past.

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